Western, Heerman’s and Glaucous-winged Gulls in California – R. Cunningham
Bird Lister’s Corner is an opportunity for PAFN club members to list their most recent total number of Life birds in four recognized categories. It is a great opportunity for club members to share in some friendly competition and to watch and measure your own progress over the upcoming months and years.
The four categories include:
Pembroke Circle (50 km circle) Pembroke Count Circle
Ontario (anywhere in the province of Ontario)
North America (ABA area-Canada and the United States including Alaska but excluding Hawaii).
ABA website ABA 2011 checklist
World – Includes all bird species from anywhere in the world including the ABA area. Must not include duplicates- a Mallard is a Mallard no matter what country. If there are any doubts, Latin names of the two birds must be compared. For example the Northern Gannet is not the same as the Gannet in Europe (two different Latin names).
To register, just forward your total life bird number for each of the categories and your best new lifer bird for each category and where you saw it to Ken Hooles at hooles@bell.net
for example: Pembroke Circle – 120 ( Rufous Hummingbird, etc. The list will be updated quarterly including the best new Lifer bird.
Bird Lister’s Corner – compiled by Ken Hooles (December 19, 2024)
Ken Hooles 1148 Purple Swamp Hen Sarasota, Fla
Christian Renault 1019 Says Phoebe British Columbia
Mike Macdonald 800 Yellow-billed Chough Montenegro
Sandra MacDonald 709 Rose-ringed Parakeet Italy
Manson Fleguel 566 Marsh Sandpiper Thedford, ON
Susan Ellis 549 White Stork Hungary
Rob Cunningham 399 Roseate Spoonbill Florida
Ken Brown 362 Tinkerbird Kenya
Martin Roncetti 283 Clay-colored Sparrow Haldimand, ON
ABA Area
Jaques Bouvier 590 White-tailed Ptarmigan Jasper, AB
Ken Hooles *589 Purple Swamp Hen Florida
Christian Renault 552 Prairie Warbler Ontario
Mike MacDonald 547 Taiga Bean Goose Quebec
Manson Fleguel 546 Marsh Sandpiper Haldimand, ON
Sandra MacDonald 483 Lewis’s Woodpecker British Columbia
Rob Cunningham 384 Purple Gallinule Florida
Vincent Agnesi 307 Orange-crowned Warbler Quebec
Mark Dojczman 261 Common Eider Baffin Island
Ken Brown 233 Clapper Rail Connecticut
Martin Roncetti 232 Clay-colored Sparrow Haldimand, ON
Jacques Bouvier 357 Western Tanager Ottawa
Ken Hooles 322 Tufted Duck Brighton, ON
Rob Cunningham 292 Tufted Duck Brighton, ON
Mike MacDonald 279 Brambling North Bay
Mark Dojczman 254 Common Eider N. Ontario
Christian Renault 252 Prairie Warbler Kaladar area
Martin Roncetti 215 Clay-colored Sparrow Haldimand
Ken Brown 162 Whip-poor-will Pembroke
Pembroke Circle
Manson Fleguel 281 Dickcissel Pembroke
Ken Hooles 280 American White Pelican Pembroke
Mark Dojczman 255 Golden-winged Warbler Renfrew County
Jacques Bouvier 249 Thick-billed Murre Cobden
Christian Renault 246 Yellow-billed Cuckoo Laurentian Valley
Rob Cunningham 232 Willet Pembroke
Mike MacDonald 224 Sabine’s Gull Lake Dore
Ken Brown 155 Whip-poor-will Pembroke
Congratulations to everyone who was able to add to their Fall list. Congrats to Mike and Sandra McDonald for adding some new European birds to their list. Good birding this Winter.
*miscount 1 bird and failed to record one bird (swamp hen in aba.)